1949. Nací en San Sebastián, Guipúzcoa, España.
1968 – 1973. Ingreso en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid delegación de Valladolid. Recibo una formación muy estricta en las Bellas Artes, en ciencias exactas, dibujo técnico, geometría descriptiva y en las doctrinas de la Bauhaus. Viajes de estudios a Italia, Grecia, Holanda, Francia, Alemania, Austria, Portugal y Finlandia.
1974 – 1977. Me traslado a Barcelona y reanudo los estudios de arquitectura superior. (4)
1992 – 1995. Etapa de reflexión de como se produjo mi forma de llegar a la abstracción como un recorrido del objeto al signo, sin ir al signo directamente. Con esta metodología la naturaleza siempre vuelve, también la que presentimos y no vemos pero que la ciencia nos la acerca.
(1). Sigo la tradición familiar en la práctica de la pintura que la inicia mi abuela paterna Mari Seigland. (2). Una enfermedad pulmonar grave me deja libre de la escolarización varios años en los que me dedico a la pintura al óleo sobre madera fabricándome los colores y las preparaciones. (3). Entrevista con el pintor Fernando Zobel fundador del Museo de Arte Abstracto de Cuenca. (4). Conozco a Jorge Oteiza y a su mujer Itziar. Me hace una crítica sobre unos murales realizados en 1972. Le comunico que reanudo los estudios de Arquitectura y me aconseja que lo haga en Barcelona “ha ganado cátedra Rafael Moneo y esta Oriol Bohigas con varios libros de interés”. |
1949. I was born in San Sebastián, Guipúzcoa, Spain.
1959 - 1967. I paint with oil painting on wood, making my own colors and preparations. (2) 1968 - 1973. I join in the School of Architecture of Madrid delegation of Valladolid. I get a very strict training in the fine arts, in sciences, engineering drawing, descriptive geometry and in the doctrines of the Bauhaus. I also made some study trips to Italy, Greece, Holland, France, Germany, Austria, Portugal and Finland.
1974 - 1977. I moved to Barcelona and I resume my Superior Architecture's studies. (4) 1978 - 1979. I was appointed associate professor of projects in the School of Architecture of Barcelona. I have been working in the Oriol Bohigas projects department over 15 years and now I'm still teaching. 1980 - 1991. In 1979 I graduated and open a office in Barcelona. In 1980 I won the first and the third prize in the firsts major national competitions of the era of democratic councils in Spain. These prizes were in Madrid (la Vaguada) and Barcelona (l’escorxador), with the participation of the most significant Spanish architects. The jury was composed of Eduardo Mangada and Rafael Moneo. I made some study trips around Europe and E.E.U.U. These let’s me be in contact with American paint. I get some F.A.D. awards (At the Barcelona Urgell Station, 1990), 2001 DECADA Award for the Rambla Prim in Barcelona, and the Pool and Assisted Living of Verneda, Barcelona in 2003). In 1988 Fernández Alba selects me to represent the Spanish Architecture in the Milan Triennale with the work of the Vaguada Civic Center. I painted oils on linen in Ayllón in Segovia and in Sanlucar de Barrameda. 1992 - 1995. Reflection stage when I think in how I arrive to the abstraction like a tour from of the object to the sign, without going to sign directly. With this method the nature always returns, also the nature that we can’t see but the science talk about. 1995 - 2001. I focus mainly on drawing and the critical importance of the draw in my painting. I started with the line drawing, but now I also use the mass draw with brush where light and environment play a decisive role. 2007 - 2012. I raised several issues: scales, media and formats.
(1). I continue the family tradition in the practice of painting that my grandmother Mari Seigland started. (2). A severe lung disease leaves me free schooling years in which I work in oil painting on wood making my own colors and preparations. (3). Interview with painter Fernando Zobel who founded the Museum of Abstract Art in Cuenca. (4). I know Jorge Oteiza and his wife Itziar. He made a review on some of my murals in 1972. I said him that I want to resume my architecture studies and he advised me to do it in Barcelona "where Rafael Moneo won a cathedra and Oriol Bohigas with several books of interest teaches there". |